Our Path to Choosing Nigerian Goats


Why Nigerian Goats?


When my mom and I started Royall Acres Farm, we knew we wanted goats. Our farm is about 10 acres and it was about half wooded, so cows weren’t an option due to the limited space.

We acquired a mixed-herd of “meat” type goats and suddenly, we were in business.

As time passed, we realized we needed a more correct meat goat, so we decided to move to purebred Boer goats. Boer goats are a highly meat productive goat breed that originated from South Africa. They are good milk producers, but mostly suitable for meat production. Boers are generally white colored with red or brown heads.

After several years of raising Boers, we slowly thinned our herd until we sold all of them. Unfortunately, our lives took us down different paths and the business closed in 2012.

Fast forward to 2020. I realized that I wanted my daughter, Morgan, to have the experiences that I had when I was younger. I knew I couldn’t handle the 100+ pound Boer goats on my own. Those goats took two grown adults to handle sometimes and this time around, the farm responsibilities were up to me and my daughter, who was only two years old at the time.

Then, it clicked! I would raise Nigerian Dwarfs!


Nigerian goats are the perfect size for me to work by myself and for Morgan to be around with no worries that they might trample her since they only weigh 25-40 pounds on average. Nigerian goats make great pets, excellent family milk goats, and can still be shown.

We bought our first trio (two does and one buck) in June of 2020 and haven’t looked back. We are currently up to six does and one buck (as of 6/26/2021) and are excited for all the new adventures to come!

If you think Nigerian Dwarfs might be the right fit for your farm, make sure to check our For Sale page to see if we have any available or Contact Us for more information.