Resources and Links
The resources and links listed below are for educational purposes only. If you have an emergency with your goat, I recommend contacting your veterinarian.
I also encourage you to join the Facebook group, Goat Emergency Team, as they have a large group of very helpful (although not veterinarians) members that have seen a lot of different issues.
Books are the backbone to learning (other than hands on) about goats. I encourage you to buy textbooks/educational material and read, read, read.
I will post a few of the books that I have found helpful over the years.
Good record keeping is a must as well. Even if you only have a few goats, remembering when they had their last vaccines, deworming, fecals, hooves trimmed is invaluable.
Goat Emergency Team Files link: GOAT EMERGENCY TEAM | Facebook
Amazon link (where I have found books and supplies):
Some of the books I have used in the past:
Sheep and Goat Diseases by Johannes Winkelmann
Diseases of the Goat by John Matthews (4th edition)
Storey's Guide to Raising Meat Goats by Maggie Sayer (2nd edition)